Health Services


Who We Serve 

Both laboratories serve active duty service members and all patients empaneled to the MacDill Clinic or Sabal Park Clinic. 


Lab tests are ordered by providers only. Currently both MacDill and Sabal Park laboratories only accept lab requests ordered by 6th MDG providers. 

Laboratory reports will be available to view and print in the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal once they have been reviewed by a provider.   

Patients with a lab order for a one-, two-, or three-hour oral glucose tolerance test should come to the lab or call to receive instructions and schedule the test. This test is only performed at the MacDill aboratory. 

Some lab tests require the patient to fast. Fasting means having nothing to eat or drink (except water) for eight to 12 hours before blood collection. The provider's orders should specify whether fasting is required. Unless the provider gives other instructions, patients should continue taking their medications, as prescribed, before having blood drawn.

Contact Us


Main Clinic
Sabel Park 


7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Closed until 1 p.m. on the first and third Wednesday of each month


Main Clinic
First Floor, Room 1J16
Sabel Park
Main Lobby
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